First Time Manager Training - Noida

Tuesday, 22 September, 2020

Item details

City: Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Offer type: Offer
Price: Rs 50,000


Contact name growthsqapes
Phone 7303700324

Item description

Growthsqapes provides you the best first-time manager training programs in India. Build an understanding of the role of a new leader. Get essential knowledge, skills, and mindset needed for an effective transition to first-time manager roles. Enable the creation of frontline leadership.

This program is for:

Entry-level First-time Managers
Well-transitioned First time Managers

How it will help you?

Increase in role effectiveness of the new managers
Minimal loss of productivity
Reduce conflicts and higher team management
Development of leadership competencies

Design Elements: Organisational Diagnosis, Individual Assessment, Training Workshops, Webinars, Coaching Sessions, Certification

Delivery Elements: Presentations, Simulations, Role Play, Case Studies, Audio Visuals, Technology Blending